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Hominins? … Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence

Did the Nutcracker killed the Rhino?

The Brisbane Times

Fr Abram Abdelmalek



Hominins? … Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence

The Brisbane Times announced on Feb 10 that a group of archaeologists found stone tools dated back to 2.9 MY with butchered animals (rhino), a site on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya.  There were no traces of Hominins, instead they found parts of a skull belongs to Paranthropus boisei which are also known as the “nutcrackers”. According to evolutionists, this species does not relate to modern humans in a direct lineage, but it branched off the evolutionary tree during and contemporaneous with H. habilis.

The news outlet quoted Associate Professor Julien Louys as saying, “The dates that are associated with the finds, having all of them together in one place, makes them really significant,” Louys said.

“We’re not necessarily suggesting Paranthropus made those tools, but we’re not finding any other hominins in that landscape, and the tools and the remains are from the same time period.”

Louys said the find helped shine a light on a period of human evolution – between 3 million and 2 million years ago – that was still dark to modern eyes. “It’s revealing a world at a particular time that we had no idea these sorts of things were going on,” he said.


The hint here is that A. boisei could have made these artifacts some 3 million years ago. It is known that the diet of this species is mainly tuff grassy materials. The butchered animal remains (hippopotamus), as the archaeologists suggest was the leftover of meal. It is highly improbable that A. boisei has eaten it. Absence of evidence of humans’ presence does not mean absence of humans. They did not report on the presence of C14 in the found, so, we cannot comment on how C14 continued in the fossils for 3 MY. It is the trend to push the beginning of humans backward in time as much as it is possible.

Horses Make Stone Tools

December 1, 2021, David F. Coppedge

“Horses kick and stamp on rocks to keep their hooves in good shape, and archaeologists have now realized this can result in a collection of sharp stones that look like the work of an ancient human toolmaker,” writes Graham Lawton. The findings are published in the Journal of Archaeological Science by Dominguez-Solera et al., “Equids can also make stone artefacts,” Volume 40, Part A, December 2021, 103260.(Equids are horses, zebras  and donkeys, etc.). Other animals are known of unintentionally making what looks like tools. Plenty of African apes and monkeys that could bang rocks together. Some birds are known to make tools as well.

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