500K-Year-Old Signs of Extinct Human Species Found in Poland Cave
Prehistoric stone tools ... were made by extinct human species
Science Alert
Fr Abram Abdelmalek

Michelle Starr wrote on 28 February 2023 in Science Alert “Prehistoric stone tools found in a cave in Poland 50 years ago were recently identified as some of the oldest ever discovered in the region.” That was in her attempt to review a paper titled “Frontiers of the Lower Palaeolithic Expansion in Europe: Tunel Wielki Cave (Poland)” published in Scientific Report by Małgorzata Kot and Et Al on September 29, 2022. In the study, they found tools that they claimed are dated back to 450,000 to 550,000 years. They attributed the timeframe to likely means that the tools were made by extinct human species Homo heidelbergensis, usually considered the last common ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans.
The study is poorly designed and lacks critical data such as age of different layers, dates produced are based on a single sample and the interpretation is based on the absence of evidence of the presence of any Homosapien species. No Carbon dating was conducted either.
The Bible tells us that we are all the descendants of Adam and Eve, genetic.
variation could be caused by geographic isolation and mutation within the same Adamic species that is us. The people who lived in the cave are either those who tried to find a shelter after the Ark rested on Ararat or those who have been dispersed after the confusion of tongues that happened in Babel.